The Best Holistic Prenatal / Pregnancy Books Every Mom Should Read

Okay, I admit maybe the title is a tad aggressive. It’s not realistic you’ll read ALL these books during your pregnancy, but they ARE books to at least be aware of! They discuss aspects of pregnancy, labor, and delivery your primary doctor likely has not touched on. 

Guess what, Mama- you have OPTIONS. 

You have options on the type of birth you have- be it a hospital birth, home birth, or at a birthing center. 

You have options on the people who make up your Birth TEAM. 

You also have options on how your actual birth plays out (assuming no complications during delivery). This, of course, is heavily dependent on how you take care of yourself prior to pregnancy and during. 

IT’S A LOT to think about! 

Isn’t it enough you have to grow an entire human over the course of 40 weeks? If only. You need to put yourself first if your soon-to-come little miracle is going to stand a chance at a healthy start in life. 

These 5 holistic pregnancy books look beyond how big your baby gets relative to fruit size, what body parts will get bigger during pregnancy, and how to decorate your nursery. These books look at the pregnancy journey through a whole-body lens: whole food nutrition, movement, mindset, and the mind-body connection. 

If this is the first time you’ve heard about any of this– buckle up, mama! It’s about to get real informative. 

Let’s dive in.

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If you don’t read the rest of this article, at least read about this first book. 

The amount of nutritional advice available for pregnant women is overwhelming.

Actually –let me rephrase that– the amount of nutritional advice that is NOT scientifically backed by research and/or is outdated and yet still recommended to pregnant women is overwhelming. Real Food for Pregnancy is the missing nutrition education you’ve been waiting for.

Pregnancy is full of unknowns, but one thing to remember is that good nutrition “stacks the deck” in your favor. Whatever the outcome, you know you did everything within your control to have a healthy pregnancy. Eating a nutrient-dense diet of real food sets you up for a healthier pregnancy, a smoother recovery from birth, and an easier transition into motherhood.


  • How your nutrient intake affects the development of your baby and risk for complications.

  • Misconceptions of conventional prenatal nutrition: optimal macronutrient intake vs. current recommendations (why the current high-carb, low-fat recommendations are doing more harm than good), why salt is an essential nutrient (and how a low-salt diet can be detrimental), etc.

  • Nutrient-dense foods to “build a healthy baby” and which foods to avoid (including the latest evidence on fish and mercury, food safety and deli meat, etc.)

  • Why a vegetarian or vegan diet may not the be the best idea during pregnancy (and what nutrients/supplements to consider if you choose a vegetarian diet).

  • Prenatal exercise – what’s safe, what’s not, and why moving your body is so important.

  • Practical steps to reduce exposure to common toxins.

  • Navigating the 4th trimester, including wisdom from traditional cultures, foods to emphasize, using nutrient-dense foods to support breastfeeding, physical recovery, and many more tips to help you thrive postpartum.


I cannot recommend this book enough!


Ina May Gaskin is known as “the mother of authentic midwifery”. In this book, she shares the benefits and joys of natural childbirth by showing women how to trust in the ancient wisdom of their bodies for a healthy and fulfilling birthing experience. 

Birth does not have to be this “scary” event to be fearful of. It does not have to involve heavy drugs, medication, or surgery. Birth can be MAGICAL– downright orgasmic in some cases.

How does this happen? By starting with the one thing that controls our lives: the mind-body connection. When we think something–anything– our body’s physiology literally changes. For the good and for the bad. Manifestation and positive affirmations, as silly as they may sound, work for a reason. By changing our mindset and believing we are capable of something, our bodies know they are safe and are more confident in making those thoughts a reality. This remains true in the journey to childbirth.

Filled with inspiring birth stories and practical advice, this invaluable resource also includes:

  • Reducing the pain of labor without drugs--and the miraculous roles touch and massage play

  • What really happens during labor

  • Orgasmic birth--making birth pleasurable

  • Episiotomy--is it really necessary?

  • Common methods of inducing labor--and which to avoid at all costs

  • Tips for maximizing your chances for an unmedicated labor and birth

  • How to avoid postpartum bleeding--and depression

RELATED: The Best People You NEED On Your Birth Team

#3: THE MINDFUL MOM TO BE - Lori Bregman


The Mindful Mom-to-Be goes through each month of pregnancy, from the first month to labor and delivery. Each chapter includes an introduction, details about your changing body and your baby’s growth, pregnancy exercises, journal ideas for mental and emotional preparation, inspirational quotes, and nutrition advice. Each chapter also covers things to consider and tips for how to handle physiological changes during your pregnancy journey, from morning sickness in your second month to hemorrhoids in your eighth month. 

Bergman offers concrete, prescriptive health information, including nutritional advice, natural remedies, developmental milestones, and techniques for labor, as well as simple and enjoyable spiritual and emotional exercises to help you prepare for motherhood. 

Back to that mind-body connection! 

As Lori explains, you're not just birthing a baby; you're birthing yourself as a mom, too.

#4: BIRTHING FROM WITHIN: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation- Pam England


This book is low-key the definition of “crunchy” and “out there” in regards to the birth process, especially if you prefer a medical approach. I admit I didn’t read the entire book, however, I did read some chapters to catch the general gist. Birthing from Within uses the arts to get you through your birth, unmedicated and uninterrupted. It involves journal writing, painting, and other art techniques to help you connect with your body more so you can birth with more ease. 

Birthing From Within is for you if you:

  • Love to journal and/ or draw

  • Have an artistic nature

  • Are in-tune with nature and love the holistic approach

For MORE recommended books for the prenatal period, visit
TSL Library > Recommended Reads > Prenatal Books 

Happy Reading, Mama! 

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