20 Affirmations For Pregnancy & Birth & why you need them

Pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience for any woman, especially if it’s a first go-around. You’ll have days of pure joy and excitement to meet your new baby. You’ll also have days where your mind wanders and thinks about the things that can go wrong. 

Wanna know a secret that sounds a little silly (albeit TRUE) to admit out loud? You and your thoughts are in control throughout the pregnancy and birth. Yeah, your thoughts! If you feel anxious often while pregnant, remind yourself of these positive affirmations – these should help you stay happy and have a healthy pregnancy.

20 Affirmations For Pregnancy & Birth & why you need them

Why affirmations during pregnancy? 

Pregnancy can be a physically and emotionally exhausting time for a woman. Some days bring joy, the other days, when you are nauseated and struggle to get up from the bed, can be shaky and make you nervous. Thinking about positive things and reminding yourself of positive birth affirmations on a daily basis can set the tone of your mind to cope with the feelings of worry and anxiety that are bound to arise. Unchecked negative emotions and thoughts can lead to real harm in the form of depression and stress. Therefore positive affirmations can help by regulating your nervous system, rewiring your physiology, and allow you to enjoy your pregnancy.

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Repeat after me:

  1. Everything I need to take care of this baby is already within me

  2. There’s beauty in the growth of my belly and the rest of my body. My baby is getting healthier and stronger!

  3. My baby is in the perfect position to come to the world healthily and smoothly.

  4. I will cherish every little toe, finger, bone, face expression, and more.

  5. I can endure all and will endure all that comes my way.

  6. I was chosen and called to be the mother of this child and I am good enough to care for her.

  7. My baby is developing normally and will be born healthy, whole, safe, and at the perfect time.

  8. My baby knows how and when to be born and I will patiently wait for her arrival.

  9. I allow myself to see the beauty and joy in my pregnancy. I want to enjoy this precious time with my baby and to be empowered by all it brings.

  10. I trust my body to help guide my baby into this world and into the safety of my arms.


Repeat after me:

  1. Today I get to hold my baby.

  2. I am made for this.

  3. I can make it through this. 

  4. I am going to have a healthy and happy baby.

  5. I trust my body. My body knows what to do. 

  6. My body knows how to birth my baby.

  7. I breathe with each wave and flow with it.

  8. Open, surrender. Open, surrender. 

  9. I trust my body. I trust my baby. I trust my birth.

  10. I am already a great mother.

Verbalize these. Believe these. Trust these.

You can do this, Mama. 

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